- Los Angeles OA Intergroup www.oalaig.org
- Metro West Intergroup (Suburban Boston, MA) www.metrowestoa.org
- Greater Omaha Intergroup www.omahaoa.org
- Central Jersey Intergroup www.oa-centraljersey.org
- Sacramento Valley Intergroup www.sacvalleyoa.org
- Region 7 (scroll down for virtual speakers) www.oaregion7.org
- Island Empire www.go2oa.org
- Northern Virginia Intergroup www.oanova.org
- Mill Creek, CA www.millcreekmeeting.libsyn.com
- Podcasts on Podcast Alley: www.podcastalley.com – The Virtual Speakers Bureau (LA OA Intergroup’s podcast. Over 100 long-time OA members share experience, strength, & hope, 12 Step Podcast (AA 12 Step speakers including Joe and Charlie.)
- Podcasts and free downloads on iTunes: www.apple.com – Overeaters Anonymous Virtual Speakers Bureau (LA OA Intergroup’s podcast.) Over 100 long-time OA members share experience, strength, & hope, (Readings from OA literature, Sunflower OA Intergroup – Topeka, KS Intergroup’s podcast featuring OA speakers, 12 Step Podcast – AA 12 Step speakers including Joe and Charlie.)
In order to uphold the sixth and Tenth Traditions according to our understanding, and in accordance with the recommended website guidelines established by WSO, Memphis Intergroup has made the decision not to include links to any sites not owned by OA registered service bodies on our website.
Some of the intergroup sites included in our links, however, have elected to include certain outside links on their sites. In the spirit of “Unity with Diversity”, we have included links to these OA service body sites, even though they have chosen a different approach to the links on their sites. However, our links to these intergroup sites do not in any way serve as an endorsement of any link leading outside the OA fellowship that may be found on these intergroup sites. Neither OA nor the Memphis Intergroup has any opinion at all on any issue, web site, or organization outside the OA fellowship.